Between the release of Convict Conditioning 2 and my recent articles on T-Nation, traffic on this site has been at an all-time high. In fact, this whole year has been pretty amazing!
Thanks for stopping by, watching my videos and leaving so many great comments. Interacting with you guys is one of my favorite things about blogging.
Though I still feel the same about New Year’s resolutions, here’s what you can expect from me in 2012:
1. A New Book!
I’m working on a new book, entitled Raising The Bar: The Definitive Guide to Bar Calisthenics, which will be released in 2012. I will have more info about the new book soon.
2. More Articles!
While I don’t expect to be posting articles as often as I did during the first 2+ years of this blog, I will still post new articles here from time to time. Though I’ve probably got enough content to keep you occupied for a while. (I’ve even added an archive section to the sidebar so you can find old posts easily.) You can also expect to see more articles from me on Sherdog and T-Nation.
3. New Videos!
I plan to continue updating you guys with a new video at least once a month, hopefully more often. If that’s not enough for you, check out my youtube channel – I’ve got over 150 videos on there already. Also make sure to like the facebook page and follow me on twitter if you want more updates and exclusive extras.
Something Old/Something New
Speaking of videos, here is a classic clip from the early days of my blog:
And here’s a brand new one about one legged squats:
Check out these other posts about pistol squats and shrimp squats for more.
And as always, feel free to leave your comments for me below!