Client Spotlight: Sam

January 25, 2010 // Al Kavadlo

Sam CardonaSam Cardona is one of the most fit people I’ve ever trained.

Sam has completed two Ironman triathlons, including last year’s Ironman Championship in Kona, Hawaii, where he finished in 12:41:47. You read that right–over 12 hours of exercise!

For anyone who doesn’t know, an Ironman is a triathlon that consists of a 2.4 mile swim, followed by a 112 mile bike ride, and then a full marathon–26.2 miles.

When working with an athlete of Sam’s caliber, my goals are to constantly keep him moving and to challenge him on different fronts. It doesn’t require a lot of fancy equipment, though. Watch me give Ironman Sam a full body workout with nothing but a medicine ball and a pull-up station.
