Overall fitness means more to me than just being able to bench press a lot of weight or run really fast. Although those are both very noble pursuits (sprinting and weight training have been part of my routine in the past and probably will be again!), my main focus is currently on mastering my own body weight. Even though I use the word “mastering,” I understand that there is no such thing as true mastery. There is always a new challenge out there for those who will seek it out.
The human flag is one of the all time greatest body weight challenges; It’s been around a lot longer than something like an elliptical trainer! The human flag requires full body strength and tremendous focus. It also looks really cool!
Kip ups are another great body-weight-only physical challenge that I have been practicing for a while now. Performing a kip up requires agility, balance, coordination and explosive power. It is challenging on many fronts!
And when talking about body weight challenges, let’s not forget my personal favorite–the handstand!!!
Watch the video below for demonstrations of these three feats of fitness!